In our apartments now there are many household appliances that increase comfort and make life easier. For example, a humidifier is designed to get rid of overdried air, which is especially often manifested in winter. Many versions of these devices are available, which differ in price, principle of operation, power and other parameters. Let's figure out how to choose a humidifier with the optimal ratio of all characteristics.

The right choice of humidifier

The purpose of the humidifier and how to determine what you need

Too dry air is an evil not only for plants that quickly fade and grow poorly for this reason. It becomes bad for people, especially young children - due to drying out of the skin and mucous membranes, shortness of breath, headaches. Also, expensive parquet and furniture can spoil, having dried up.

Humidifier - designed to fix the microclimate in the apartment, saturating the air with water vapor and bringing its humidity to comfortable limits.

The following are the optimal humidity values ​​for humans, plants, furniture and appliances:

dlya cheloveka
- from 40% to 60%

dlya rastenii
- from 55% to 75%

dlya mebeli
Furniture, parquet
- from 40% to 60%

dlya tehniki
Home Appliances
- from 45% to 60%

As you can see, people, as well as furniture sets, feel best if the moisture content in the room air is at least 40%, in plants this figure is slightly higher. From this value we will build on.

To determine how the situation is in your apartment or house, in fact, you will have to purchase a special measuring device called a hygrometer. However, the costs will not be too large: for 150 rubles it is quite possible to buy a decent analog device, and for 500-600 rubles you can order an entire digital weather station in China in the online store. At the same time, it will display the temperature and pressure, as well as please the owner with an alarm clock and a calendar.

Home hygrometer
Home thermometer and hygrometer.

Weather station
Home digital weather station.

Using a hygrometer, it is necessary to measure the content of water vapor in the air. And not just once, but several. Let's say 4 to 5 days in a row. Note that in summer and winter, the indicators differ significantly. It is the winter results that are very important, since in the cold season we are most affected by over-dried air. After all, batteries and heaters take a lot of moisture out of it. The latter - up to 30 percent.

Previously, when humidifiers were not yet available, housewives covered the batteries with wet rags in winter to get rid of air dryness. But this is not aesthetically pleasing (after all, the rags dried up all the time and it was necessary to moisten them again), and it is not at all useful for the heating system. Whether business is a nice compact device, which is enough to plug into the network and add water. And he will do the rest himself.

After all measurements, you will receive the desired number. If it is more than 40 percent even in the most adverse conditions, then there is nothing to worry about - you can safely bypass the shelves with humidifiers in the store. But when it turns out less, you should immediately start choosing a humidifier. Further we will talk about what to choose from.

Choose the type and type of humidifier

Traditional humidifiers

Traditional humidifier

Device and principle of operation. These devices are extremely simple in design and are based on the principle of natural evaporation of moisture. There is a tank in which water is poured and a sponge filter or cartridge is installed, which is partially immersed in a pan with water. This wet filter is only half closed by water - its upper part protrudes above its surface. There is also a fan that makes air from the room move through the filter, saturated with moisture. The maximum humidity that can be achieved is 60%. The rate of evaporation of water is 400 grams per hour or less.

Conventional humidifier device
Conventional humidifier device:

1. Clean air.
2. The float bag.

3. The cleaning filter.
4. a tray with water.

5. Dirty air.
6. The fan.

Service. Devices of this type are extremely unpretentious in care. All that is needed is to top up the evaporating water in a container and wash the filter under running water, once 1 to 2 weeks. They also change the wet filter every 2 to 3 months. Despite the recommendations to use distilled water, humidifiers work well with tap water.


+ Pluses of traditional humidifiers

  1. The impossibility of humidification of air is above optimum, since the process is carried out due to natural evaporation.
  2. Low electricity consumption (from 20 to 60 watts).
  3. As a rule, the water level in the tank is clearly visible. It is clear when you need to replenish it.
  4. Many devices are equipped with an ionizer. This allows you to remove the smoke of cigarettes, allergens, harmful bacteria.
  5. Easy care and low price.
  6. Safety - no hot steam and harmful emissions.


- Cons of traditional humidifiers

  1. The fan makes a noise of 35 to 40 decibels on average. It can interfere with sleep at night.
  2. The need to replace a wet filter.
  3. The flip side of small power is slow operation. Quickly humidify the air will not work, and when approaching the upper boundary (60%), the device is practically inactive.

Experts recommend using traditional units in the nursery or in the bedroom. These devices are safe because they do not create hot steam and are not able to oversaturated the air with moisture. That allows, with the device constantly on, to provide optimal humidity in the range of 50-60%. But they are not suitable for greenhouses, as they are not able to oversaturated air with moisture.

Steam humidifiers

Steam humidifier

Device and principle of operation. Here you can draw an analogy with an electric kettle, since hot steam is used to saturate the air masses with water. Accordingly, there is a container with water and a pair of electrodes connected to the network, lowered there. This design is most effective in productivity, reaching up to 700 grams of evaporated water per hour. If necessary, you can achieve any level of humidity that exceeds natural limits.

Steam humidifier device
Steam humidifier device:

1. A tank of water.
2. The pallet.

3. Heating ten.
4. Steam supply chamber.

5. Sprayer.

Service. As for maintenance, it is also simple here: you need to monitor the water level and replenish the tank. For what, by the way, tap water is quite suitable. Just remember the scum - as in the teapot, you need to get rid of it regularly. Using appropriate means.


+ Pros of Steam Humidifiers

  1. Highest productivity for quickly processing a large room.
  2. Lack of consumables requiring periodic replacement.
  3. The ability to create "tropical" conditions, necessary, for example, in greenhouses.
  4. Some models additionally have an inhalation function.


- Cons Humidifiers

  1. Large consumption of electricity - the maintenance will cost a little.
  2. Hot steam is dangerous - you must be careful with these devices. Not letting them roll over and not getting too close.
  3. Parts of the units wear out quickly enough.
  4. Inability to clean the air.
  5. Noise at work emit a decent one.
  6. When using tap water, you need to regularly deal with scale.


Steam units - ideal for a winter garden, greenhouses, greenhouses. For children it is not recommended - it is dangerous. Also, books, furniture and expensive parquet floors do not like the close proximity of a steam device. Prefer a similar model equipped with a hygrostat. This will save money - the device will turn off when the set humidity level is reached. However, in the absence of a built-in hygrostat, you can purchase it separately.

Ultrasonic Humidifiers

Ultrasonic humidifier

Device and principle of operation. If you have a task to choose an air humidifier for an apartment, pay attention to these devices. It is these devices that lead in the ranking, considered the most modern, convenient and economical. The basis of their design is a special plate that vibrates at an ultrasonic frequency, turning water into a mass of microscopic droplets. The resulting cold water suspension is sprayed around the room using an electric fan. As a rule, each model has a built-in hygrostat. Another mandatory detail is the purification filter system.

Ultrasonic humidifier device
Ultrasonic humidifier device:

1. Clean humidified air.
2. A tank of water.

3. AG - cartridge.
4. Dry air.

5. The chamber of vaporization.
6. Ultrasonic membrane.
7. The fan.

Service. Care of the device consists both in adding water (preferably distilled so that salts do not form), and in the periodic replacement of filters.


+ Pros of Ultrasonic Humidifiers

  1. The optimal combination of performance and economy.
  2. Quiet work that does not interfere with the sleep of the inhabitants of the apartment or the work of the office staff (average noise level - 25 decibels).
  3. The presence of a system of filters that purify the air, as well as a hygrometer, the ability to automatically configure.
  4. Safety at work - water vapor escaping outward is not hot.
  5. Compact size, ergonomic design.


- Cons of Ultrasonic Humidifiers

  1. Higher (compared to other types of devices) price.
  2. The need to use purified water or special cartridges, which increases maintenance costs. Another expense item is the regular purchase of new filters.

Ultrasonic units can come in handy almost everywhere: both at home or in the office, and in a greenhouse or greenhouse. They are good in shops with antique furniture, shops with flowers, musical instruments, electronics.

Air washers

Air wash

Device and principle of operation. Devices of this type are similar to traditional humidifiers, differing from them in the presence of an air purification system from pollution. To do this, spinning plastic discs immersed in water are used. As a result, dust, allergens, and bad odors are removed from the air masses. In addition, there are similar models with air ionizers designed to provide better air purification. A number of devices are additionally equipped with a flavor.

Air cleaner
Air cleaning device:

1. Dirty air.
2. The fan.

3. air ionization.
4. Clean air.

5. The rotating drum.
6. A tray with water.

Service. For washing, you only need to rinse the container (once a week) and plastic discs (once a month), as well as add water when its level drops.


+ Pros of Air Wash

  1. Models with flavorings make it possible to fill the room with a pleasant smell.
  2. Not very large electricity consumption - 120-400 watts.
  3. Low noise level.
  4. Easy maintenance, no need to replace consumables.
  5. There are models with a cleaning system, as well as with ionizers, which provide additional opportunities for improving the microclimate.


- Cons of air washes

  1. Work is rather slow, there are no fast modes. For saturation of air masses with moisture, continuous operation of the device is required.
  2. The devices can not provide sufficient moisture creating the effect of the tropics.


Although the main purpose of these devices is air purification, they can be very effectively used to moisten air masses.Use sinks in the same rooms as traditional appliances. In all rooms of the apartment, including in the bedrooms and children's rooms.

Combined appliances (climate systems)

Climatic complex

Device and principle of operation. These devices are the most "advanced". They not only moisturize, but also clean the air efficiently with the help of several stages of filters. In addition, they are equipped with numerous sensors that respond to: cigarette smoke, dust, dryness and other parameters. In the unit, in addition to the electric motor (rotating fan) and water tank, there are certainly: HEPA filters, carbon filters, wet filters of an antibacterial type.

Climate complex device
An example of a climate complex device:

1. Capsule for aromatic substances.
2. Carbon filter.
3. Engine and fan.

4. Water tray.
5. Exit for clean air.
6. The intake of dirty air.

7. HEPA filters.
8. Moisturizing filter.

Service. Maintenance of such a complex consists of regular topping up of water in the tank, as well as the replacement of filters, each of which has its own service life.


+ Advantages of climatic complexes

  1. High efficiency, the ability, in addition to humidified, to receive clean air.
  2. The ability to cope with odors, pollen, dust mites, bacteria and viruses.
  3. The presence of many sensors showing the level of humidity and air pollution.
  4. Durable and reliable performance.


- Cons of climatic complexes

  1. Fairly high price.
  2. Significant maintenance costs - you will have to regularly change several types of filters.

Such systems are useful for those who need a device that can clean, moisturize, and reliably and efficiently air for a long time. In this case, the issue price and regular financial costs do not matter to you.

Performance and service area

Now, to understand how to choose a home air humidifier, we will look at the general selection criteria for all of these devices. Productivity is indicated either in grams of water evaporated per hour, or in liters - per day.

The last indicator lies within:

  • from 4 to 8 liters - traditional appliances;
  • from 7 to 16 liters - steam appliances;
  • from 7 to 14 liters - ultrasonic devices.

The more productive the device, the greater the area it can moisturize with quality. However, it should be remembered that it makes no sense to buy an overly productive device. You should not count on the fact that by installing such a device at a certain point in the apartment, you can humidify the air in all rooms. This will not happen, since the air exchange between the various rooms of an apartment or house is somewhat difficult. The ideal option is when you buy a device for a specific room in which it will be used. Therefore, before you start choosing a humidifier, determine the area of ​​the room and, when choosing, build on this indicator.

The method of placement in space

Here devices can be divided into two types:

#1. Floor humidifiers, as a rule, have volumetric dimensions. They are suitable for spacious rooms. Often this is a whole complex that solves several problems at once.

Floor humidifiers

#2. Desktop appliances are compact, they can be placed on a table or high on a shelf. In the latter case, the work efficiency is increased, since moist air becomes heavy and goes down. On the way to the floor, a cloud of water suspension manages to dissipate, perfectly moistening the room.

Table humidifiers

About the applied filters and their parameters

All humidifiers, air washers and climate systems can be equipped with certain filters. Some filters can be used to purify evaporated water, and some can be used to purify air. To make it easier for you to navigate them, we will explain why they are used. Certain humidifier models are generally not equipped with filters.

Pre-filters. They are able to remove only large particles from the air, not coping, for example, with allergens and bacteria.

Electrostatic filters. Successfully fight with pollen of flowers, cigarette smoke, dust (including fine). But if harmful organic matter or toxins (nitric oxide, for example) are present in the air, then they are powerless. Are applied in sinks of air.

Plasma filters. The principle of operation is the same as that of electrostatic filters, but the cleaning speed is 10 times higher. In a short time, this method can purify a large amount of air by removing allergens from it.

Carbon filters. They can deal well with molecules that serve as sources of unpleasant odors. They also get rid of tobacco smoke, but not too quickly. They are used in climatic complexes.

HEPA filters. Able to produce a sufficiently high-quality and fine air purification, including removing allergens (pollen, bacteria, dust mites). Their efficiency is 99 percent, particle capture - from 0.3 microns. Climatic complexes are equipped with such filters, which are designed not only to moisturize, but also to purify the air.

ULPA filters. Even more effective (give a result of 99.9 percent, catch particles from 0.1 microns) than HEPA filters. The principle of operation and the scope of both systems are the same.

Antiallergenic filters. They fight viruses, mold spores, and bacteria.

Ceramic Cartridge. It is used if it is necessary to disinfect water and is installed in humidifiers for pre-treatment of water.

Photocatalytic filters. Combine ultraviolet radiation with a catalyst. The result is a weapon that is detrimental to chemical toxins and harmful bacteria.

How to determine the flow rate and duration of work

Water tank capacity

The capacity of the device depends on the capacity of the water tank. Typically, the volume of the tank depends on the performance of the device. To use the device does not cause you unnecessary trouble, you must focus on the following indicators:

Area of ​​the room, m2Tank volume
10 - 15 → 4 - 5
30 - 40 → 6 - 7
50 - 60 → 7 - 9

Maximum water consumption

This parameter shows how much water per hour or per day the device will use up from the tank. It directly depends on the power of the device. Average household appliances - 12-15 liters of water per day.

Duration of work

The duration of work shows how long, when working in the most intensive mode, the device will exhaust all the water from the tank. To determine the maximum working time of your device, it is necessary to divide the volume of the tank (translating the value in milliliters) by the flow rate (translating in milliliters per hour). If the volume of the tank is 5500 ml, and the water flow per hour is 400 ml, then the device will use all the water in 13.75 hours. It is after this time that you will have to service the device by adding water to the tank.

Determine acceptable noise level

If you compare all the household humidifiers produced today, you can see that their noise limit ranges from 5 to 55 decibels. This parameter depends on the design features of the electric motor and the fan mounted on its axis, as well as on their power.

As you can see, the noise level varies significantly. However, in the daytime people are usually not so sensitive to it. But at night, especially for people with a sensitive dream, this is very important. Then we can advise you to buy models for which this characteristic does not roll over 35 decibels. These devices are quite suitable for use at night.

By the way, for reference: the noise norm in residential buildings is 20 decibels; 50 decibels correspond to a not very loud conversation; whisper - 10 decibels.

Management ways

Mechanical type

Models with such controls are cheaper, they are simpler in design. As a rule, they have only a couple of regulators: setting the operating mode and timer. There are no additional features here.

Humidifier mechanical control

Electronic type

Usually present in devices with a higher price, equipped with additional indicators, the ability to automatically configure and program. They usually have a display, where you can track the correctness of the given commands and see the necessary data. Such models are often equipped with built-in sensors, which, responding to changes in room atmosphere, are able to put the humidifier in the desired mode.

Programmable Humidifier

Indicators: what are and what are needed

  • Power indicator. This is usually a light bulb that indicates that the device is connected to the network and is in good condition.
  • Low water indicator. If water runs out, the appliance will automatically turn off. Therefore, this indicator serves only as a warning that the liquid must be added. Otherwise, moistening will not be carried out.
  • Humidity indicator. This option is present with a built-in hygrometer. But since the device can track this indicator only near itself, for large rooms the result may have an error.
  • Temperature indicator. Here we see the temperature inside the room. It is optimal when humidity with temperature is maintained in a certain ratio.
  • Mode indicator. More needed in complex devices (for example, in climatic complexes). This indicator shows in which mode the device is currently operating.
  • Information on replacing or cleaning parts. A convenient option - you can clearly see which filter needs to be changed or which part needs to be cleaned. This is usually indicated by a special icon that appears on the display.

Additional functions


Some devices are equipped with an aroma capsule, which allows you to fill in aromatic oil: to create a pleasant atmosphere or to disinfect the air. It all depends on the oil poured in: fir or eucalyptus, for example, are used for disinfection, and lavender, pink or sandalwood - for a delicate fragrance. It is worth noting that in the absence of such an option, experimenting with oil in the main tank cannot be avoided so as not to damage the internal parts of the device.

Air ionization

Many devices are equipped with ionizers that saturate the air with negatively charged ions. The presence of an ionizer allows you to achieve a more thorough cleaning of the air from dust, dust mites and pollen from plants.


Ozone can damage the shell of bacteria with viruses, preventing them from multiplying. This option is very useful during seasonal epidemics - the air in the apartment is disinfected. Often it is present in air washers.


Used to kill microorganisms present in water and air. Ultraviolet disinfection occurs exclusively inside the device and is aimed at cleaning the air and water leaving the device.

Any additional function affects the cost of the device in the direction of its increase. Therefore, before proceeding with the choice of a humidifier, determine exactly which of these functions you need.

Manufacturers and price categories

The stores offer a variety of humidifiers - which one to choose depends not only on the size of the room and its purpose. Not the last role is played by the brand of the device. For it to last a long time, working properly, it is worth turning to the products of reliable brands. Which may vary significantly in price.

Of the premium options can be called the famous Swiss brand Plaston AG. Brands he produces: Air-O-Swiss and Boneco. You can also note devices under the Bork brand - they are also distinguished by the highest quality and very high price.

Models of a more budget type, but of quite good quality are the brands Polaris, Supra, Scarlett, Vitek. However, these same manufacturers produce models and more expensive ones equipped with a large number of functions.

Also remember that the total cost depends on the type of device. The cheapest are traditional (or steam) units with mechanical control.An ultrasound device will cost more, a climate station will be even more expensive.

Tips for using and using humidifiers

Tip 1.

The device must be placed on a flat, flat surface. Make sure that it is away from furniture at a distance of 30 cm or more. From electrical appliances - at least 1 meter. There should be free space around.


Tip 2.

When using the humidifier, it is better to close the door, windows and windows. So hydration will occur optimally. Keep in mind - the effect will not immediately appear. After all, at first the dried up walls, floor, ceiling, furniture will absorb the first portions of water.


Tip 3.

Once a week (at least), it is necessary to flush the tank and (if necessary) other parts. At the same time, aggressive chemicals and abrasives cannot be used.


Tip 4.

It is necessary to timely add water and replace the various filters of the device.


Tip 5.

In steam appliances, the first 10 centimeters of steam that are released outside can burn very much. Therefore, put them in a place so as not to tip over accidentally and not get injured when passing by. And during work, do not bring your hands close.


Video: How to choose a humidifier

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