The water entering our water pipes is by no means ideal. It is too harsh, and smells of bleach, and has other impurities. In addition to this, we constantly stuff the washing machine with various chemicals. And our "washer" is dissatisfied with this, urgently requiring cleaning. Especially it does not like the scum that has appeared. To find out how to clean the washing machine correctly - we suggest reading the recommendations of the service specialists.

How to descale your washing machine

Causes of pollution and their possible consequences

First, make sure that cleaning is a necessary and necessary action. Yes, and what exactly needs to be cleaned, it will not hurt to know. Let's look inside the machine that has worked for a long time. With a high probability on the surface of plastic and metal parts we will see a dirty coating. It can be solid, containing mineral substances, so a rag or hands can not cope with it.

The causes of such a nuisance may be as follows:

Bad water

The water coming from the water supply is hard or dirty.

Bad powder

The powder contains too many chemical components.

Quick wash

The machine constantly works in the "intensive-wash" mode.

Especially bad is that many corners where dirt accumulates are hard to reach. Try to clean them - the hand will not crawl in there, and poking with something sharp is too dangerous. So more and more dirt is layered, and then the machine can’t stand it and breaks. And repairs cost a pretty penny. So why bring to such extremes - it is better to ask in advance how to clean the drum of the washing machine, its tank and heating element. By taking timely measures, you can significantly extend the life of the device.

Why does scale form?

When the water is too hard, it is full of calcium and magnesium salts. When heated, they are converted to carbon dioxide and a solid precipitate, which, along with dirty particles (for example, pieces of rust), remains on the heating element and the tank of the washing machine. Covered with a crust of scale, a metal heating element conducts heat worse. Result: water takes longer to heat up, more electricity is needed. And dirt from water also does its “dirty deed" - it clogs the inlet valve, the details of which wear out ahead of time.

Important: maximum dirt and debris enters the machine after repair or shutdown of water.

You can find out whether there is scale on ten or not, you yourself. Typically, the heating element is located directly below the drum, or is slightly offset from its center to one side. Taking the flashlight, direct its beam at the holes in the drum, trying to make out the heating element. While doing this, swing the drum slightly so that the lighting is even. Often this does not work out right away - you have to experiment a little with the speed of wiggle.

Saline Ten

Ten washing machine with huge salt deposits.

Ways to combat and prevent scale on the heating element of the washing machine

We use "chemistry" - we are struggling with the scum that has already appeared

To begin, we will tell you how to clean the washing machine from scale with a special tool. They are called so - “antiscale”. It contains acid that dissolves the crust of deposits. Having put the product into the machine, you need to turn on a special mode - "wash without laundry."The result is not long in coming - a chemical reaction that occurs when heated, eliminates the scum elements of the device. Cheap and cheerful.

Unfortunately, this method also has “pitfalls”. If you pour powder for cleaning, then you can spoil the elements of the washing machine made of rubber (it simply "flows"). And breathing acid fumes is not very useful. But using this tool is as simple as possible, and it costs a penny. By the way: do not confuse it with special softeners that are put into water when washing with linen. They definitely will not save from scale.

How to clean the washing machine with citric acid from scale

If you wash very often, then carry out this procedure once a quarter. With less frequent use of the device, cleaning once every six months is sufficient. We select the washing mode “without laundry”, set the temperature from 60 to 90 degrees, and then we add citric acid (50 - 100 grams) to the place where we usually fall asleep. It turns out qualitatively and inexpensively, but at the same time manages to eliminate odors (if, of course, they are). Such prevention will not cause any harm to the details of the washing machine - it has been checked repeatedly.

We clean the machine with white vinegar

According to experts, it is cleaning the washing machine with vinegar that gives the best effect. We will tell you in steps how to do it:

  • In the machine we pour 2 cups of vinegar (ordinary table). Add hot water, wash without laundry (and without powder) for the longest cycle.
  • After 5 minutes, we pause for an hour in the program. It is needed for penetration of the cleaning solution into all corners of the tank.
  • After an hour, we continue the washing program, now to the end.
  • To rinse off the residual cleaning solution, add water by running a short cycle wash program.
  • With a cloth moistened with a weak vinegar solution, wipe the door of the machine from the inside. We work especially well on gaskets.

We use "physics" - we prevent the formation of scale

Here we get rid of the reason in advance, using all kinds of magnetic water softeners. They can stand both directly on the inlet hose of the machine, and at the inlet of the pipeline to the apartment. They are called softener filters (or water converters).

A magnetic type water softener cleans it of magnesium and calcium. There are no these salts - there is no problem. Scale no longer appears on the surface of the tank or on the heating element - excellent. In more detail, strong magnets break down calcareous deposits (calcite) into ions. As a result of this cleavage, instead of calcite, we get aragonite - it does not form any deposits. Thus, passing “magnetic” water through the tank of the machine, we get clean surfaces of both the tank itself and the PETN.

The disadvantages of this method is that it is not affordable for everyone. A softener costs about $ 30 - it is much more expensive than a bag with "anti-scaling". But it’s very convenient to use it, and the filter is about 50 years old. Once you spend it, you can live happily ever after, no longer wondering how to clear the tenh of the washing machine from scale.

In addition to magnetic filters, there are also filters for mechanical cleaning (sediment filters). They clean the water from pieces of rust and sand. This allows you to prevent clogging of pipes and save household appliances from damage. By the way, and plumbing devices in the presence of such filters last longer.

Technological scale prevention

This method is based on the following: the hotter the machine erases, the more scale deposits on its elements. Manufacturers of modern CMs take this fact into account, equipping their products with new washing programs. At the same time, the water is heated only to 40 or 50 degrees, and the dirt is washed off perfectly. This method manages to “kill two birds with one stone” - not only to get rid of the appearance of scale, but also to save electricity.

Ten can last a long time, and can quickly break down. The reason for this is not necessarily a marriage - a lot depends on the washing mode and loads. If you often wash worn laundry, then its particles, precipitated, will provoke the formation of scale. And falsified laundry detergents are also very harmful - using such means, you can not only destroy the heater, but the whole machine as well.

Thus, those who want to live economically, without scattering extra money for electricity or repairing a washing machine, should take a closer look at the softener filter or use the anti-scale agent. Do not forget about the mechanical filter that removes dirt particles. And when washing, you should choose those modes in which water is heated less.

And now it’s worth to find out what kind of advice on this subject can give professionals - employees of service centers for washing machines. Well, they, perhaps, are best able to know how to clean the washing machine from dirt. Indeed, masters are faced with a similar problem every day. Therefore, we asked some questions, to one of the employees of the service center, the answers to which you can get below.

Is Calgon's magical effect true or false?

Today, even three-year-old kids know by heart the advertisement where the bitter fate befell the washing machine, and all because a miracle cure was not used on time. Hundreds and thousands of housewives, not wanting such a thing for their beloved “washing machine”, raced after watching TV to the store, believing the advertisement. Still - automatic cars cannot be called cheap equipment, and their connection costs a lot of money.

But Calgon is by no means a saving panacea - it is an ordinary softener for water, nothing more. Its composition is as follows: soda plus sodium triphosphate (salt of tripolyphosphoric acid Na5P3O10). It costs packing a product weighing a little more than half a kilo more than $ 3, which is 3 times more expensive than the cost of components. By the way, it is quite possible to take these components and make the mixture yourself. It will turn out no worse, but much cheaper. However, do not rush to do this, as well as purchase a ready-made Kalgon.

It turns out that this softener does not at all provide reliable protection for PETN - on the contrary, it only makes it worse. With constant use of the product, the surface of the tubular electric heater becomes solid, resembling cemented. Where there is scale from magnesium and calcium - this layer is much harder and stronger. As a result, ten quickly burns out.

By the way, modern manufacturers will certainly add a softener and other substances that care for the machine into good washing powders. Experienced service technicians recommend forgetting about Calgon. And if you do not want your car to wear out prematurely, then do not listen to the man from the advertisement. By the way, it is much cheaper to do prevention from scale.

How to clean the filter of the washing machine and whether to do it?

To avoid breakdowns, this should be done periodically. Like hoses, the filter requires careful handling. Blockages should not be allowed - it will end badly.

Before work, you need to lay a rag under the machine so that you do not have to collect dirty water on the floor. You will also need some kind of basin where you need to drain the water from the drain hose (it is located behind the panel that covers the filter). To do this, lower the hose to the very bottom of the basin. The filter is located in a special hatch at the bottom of the washing machine.

Open the hatch
We open the hatch.

Turn off the filter
The filter itself is removed only after the complete drainage of water from the hose. It is removed by turning counterclockwise.

Release water
Unscrewing the filter, we don’t immediately get it, but hold it a bit and let the remaining water drain onto a rag.

After examining his impeller, we remove all impurities from it, including fluff and hair. Then we put the filter in place.

The very base where the filter is inserted must also be cleaned.

As you can see, there are no special secrets in how to clean the filter of the washing machine.

Useful tips for cleaning and preventing washing machines

Tip # 1.

The cleanliness of the washing machine is the guarantee that it will "live" for a long time. You can’t leave laundry in the tank for a long time - moist fungus and mold are too fond of. From them the smell is unpleasant, and the machine works worse. So make it a rule to immediately wash laundry or put it in the basin.

Linen in the tank

Airing machine

Tip # 2.

Do not forget to ventilate the "washer" - so all excess moisture will quickly disappear from it. Wipe wet streaks on the inside with a dry cloth.

Tip # 3.

Clean the machine approximately every 6 months - at least. However, more frequent prophylaxis does not hurt - once every 2 months. The method of cleaning is one of the above, that is, it can be citric acid, vinegar or decalcifier.

Washing machine cleaning


Tip # 4.

Each SM below has a filter that becomes dirty after washing. It needs to be cleaned regularly.

Tip # 5.

The scale crystallizes when the water is heated to 75 degrees. If you heat water to 70 degrees, then the tank and ten will remain clean. Therefore, choose the appropriate program.


 Video: Descaling the washing machine

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