Construction Materials

In this article: how the technical characteristics of mineral wool differ from polystyrene; in what cases and for what should foam be used, and where is basalt cotton wool best suited.

What is better to build a house

In this article: what affects the longevity of a home; from what materials is building a house cheaper; how the selected material for construction affects the speed of construction; which materials are more fire resistant; in which case you can invest in parts of the construction; which materials are warmer and more environmentally friendly.

Foam concrete blocks characteristics

In this article: types and brands of foam concrete, as well as technical characteristics of these brands; advantages and disadvantages of foam concrete blocks; selection criteria and tips for the use of foam concrete.

Characteristics of various varieties of insulation Knauf

In this article: what are the advantages of Knauf insulation; varieties of insulation Knauf their characteristics and scope.

Technical characteristics of insulation TechnoNIKOL

In this article: what types of insulation are manufactured by Technonikol; varieties and technical characteristics of various types of basalt wool and extruded polystyrene foam manufactured by the manufacturer TechnoNIKOL.

Specifications of basalt wool

In this article: what is basalt insulation and how is it produced; What characteristics does basalt wool have? for warming which objects it is most rational to use it; what are the disadvantages of this insulation.

Technical characteristics of insulation URSA

In this article: what types of heaters are manufactured under the URSA brand; what are their main advantages and possible disadvantages; what technical properties and characteristics they possess and where they can be applied.

Technical characteristics of penoizol, its properties and disadvantages

In this article: what components are part of the insulation and what is penoizol; what properties inherent in heaters have penofol; what are its disadvantages and why it is necessary to carefully approach the choice of a contractor for insulation with penoizol.

Specifications Penofol

In this article: what is Penofol; what are the advantages of reflective insulation; what technical parameters Penofol has; what are the disadvantages of Penofol.

Technical characteristics of various grades of hydroisol

In this article: what is a roll hydroisol; what are the brands of hydroisol, depending on the scope of its application.

Thermal conductivity of expanded polystyrene

In this article: what is the thermal conductivity of expanded polystyrene; what determines and how the ability of expanded polystyrene not to pass heat and cold is determined.

Ecowool - specifications and properties

In this article: what is ecowool insulation; what is its thermal conductivity, sound insulation, moisture capacity and other important parameters of any insulation.

Expanded clay density

In this article: what is the density of expanded clay; what is bulk density and what brands of expanded clay are available in accordance with bulk density; what is true and specific gravity for what are they intended.

Properties and characteristics of polyurethane foam

In this article: what is polyurethane foam and what are its varieties; what technical characteristics this heater has; what are their advantages and disadvantages.

Expanded clay thermal conductivity and its dependence

In this article: what determines the thermal conductivity of expanded clay; what affects the thermal conductivity of expanded clay and how to reduce it.

Insulation Isover specifications

In this article: the characteristics of Izover as a heat-insulating material, its thermal conductivity, sound absorption, combustibility, environmental friendliness, vapor permeability; varieties of Izover and places of their application; how to work with Izover and what are its shortcomings.

Specifications of mineral wool

In this article: varieties of mineral wool; manufactured mineral wool brands and their technical characteristics; mineral wool deficiencies; mineral wool selection criteria.

Types of insulation

In this article: what types of thermal insulation are of the preventive type; what types of organic and inorganic heaters are; what is reflective thermal insulation and why is it effective.

Styrofoam Characteristics

In this article: properties and technical characteristics of expanded polystyrene; the whole truth about environmental friendliness, incombustibility and the service life of this insulation; selection criteria that you can rely on when buying this material.

What wallpaper to choose for the hallway or corridor

How to deal with the choice of wallpaper for the hallway of your apartment, taking into account all the shortcomings of this room, the practicality of the wallpaper, their color and pattern, as well as the overall design of the apartment and the corridor.

Types of roofs of private houses

The roof of the house is not only a structure designed to protect the house from various atmospheric phenomena, the external, and, in the case of an attic roof, internal view of the house depends a lot on the roof. We invite you to consider all possible types of roofs, both in terms of design features and geometric shapes.

What wallpaper to choose for the kitchen

In addition to various design and color preferences, wallpaper for the kitchen has a number of requirements that are associated with the features of the kitchen. Let's consider all aspects of choosing wallpaper for the kitchen in order.

What wallpaper to choose for the bedroom

The bedroom is a special place of our house where we spend not a small part of our lives. Therefore, this place should be designed in a special way, everything should correspond here and set up for rest. Since wallpaper is the most popular material for decorating bedroom walls, in this article we will consider which wallpapers are best suited for this room from the perspective of practicality and design preferences.

Polyfoam as a heater

As a heater, foam is used quite widely. Certain nuances associated with the insulation of various elements of the room we will consider in this article.

Aerated concrete blocks

Aerated concrete blocks are a very popular building material used for walling. Despite this, they have a number of drawbacks, which we will consider in this article.

Types of Wallpaper

The most popular type of wall decoration, today, is wallpapering the walls. That is why a huge variety of wallpaper varieties appeared on the market, which will be discussed in this article.

Types of Siding

Nowadays there are several types of siding on the market. Which of them to choose for house sheathing, as well as the pros and cons of materials will be discussed in this article.

The better to cover the roof of the house

There are many roofing options on the market today. Developers have a difficult task to choose high-quality, reliable and durable material at the same time affordable. In this article we will consider the better to cover the roof of the house, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of a particular roof.

Ecowool - disadvantages and advantages

Ecowool is a modern building material used for noise and heat insulation of buildings and structures. Like any other material used for these purposes, it has certain advantages and disadvantages, which we will discuss in this article.

Polyfoam - characteristics and properties of a heater

Polyfoam - a very common material used for heat and sound insulation of rooms. It received its wide distribution due to its unique technical characteristics, which will be discussed in this article.

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