To reduce the cost of installing a septic tank in a country house or in a private house, eurocubes are often used, which are sealed plastic containers. Initially, they are intended for transporting liquid substances, but can also be used as septic tanks due to their strength, impermeability, light weight. Eurocube septic tank reviews will help you figure out if this wastewater treatment option is right for your home.

Septic tanks from Eurocub - reviews and opinions on their use

Great day-to-day solutions
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The septic tank from Eurocubes is an excellent solution for intermittent operation, when the unit is operated only on weekends. The system is non-volatile and does not allow the formation of a thick crust.

Bottom sludge practically does not accumulate, moreover, in winter at minus temperatures the system does not freeze! The location of the overflow pipe was selected very simply: divided in half the height of the water level in the first cube - from the bottom surface to the overflow site. The design consists of 3 sections (3 cubes) with a volume of 800 liters and is constantly operated by three households. The first section should be pumped out no more than once a year.
Cheapness, universalism and unpretentiousness, ease of construction.
The pumping will have to be carried out with the help of a specialist, constant monitoring is required during continuous operation.
Term of use
more than three years
Recommendation to others
I recommend
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  • Practicality
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The septic tank from Eurocubs is our solution for giving
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I decided to make a septic tank from European cubes, involuntarily underestimating the location of the overflow pipe. Being lowered to the bottom of the cell, the entrance was constantly clogged with feces and other waste products. After a little thought, I moved the pipe to the center of the cube, thanks to which I was able to radically improve the design.

Only 2 people permanently live in the house, while on weekends three more come to visit. The system copes with the base load and with sharp water hammer caused by a twofold increase in runoff.
unpretentious design
a crust thicker than 30 cm is not formed,
bottom sludge is practically not formed.
the possibility of clogging the overflow pipe,
It’s forbidden to throw paper in the toilet because of the risk of clogging,
the reliability of the system raises questions because of the need for concrete walls - concrete does not tolerate temperature extremes.
Term of use
more than one year
Recommendation to others
Difficult to answer
  • Quality
  • Practicality
  • Price
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Inexpensive and practical solution
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He made a septic tank from a pair of Eurocubs buried in the ground. The first cube had to be filled with water, plunging the edge of the overflow pipe under an expanse of 10 cm thick. Now the feces that fall during the discharge from the toilet remain on the surface, automatically raising the liquid level. When the limit is exceeded, water overflows into another cube, and the accumulated feces contribute to lowering the level of liquid in the previous cube. The second tank is cleaned with a drain pump. The difficulty in operation is the occurrence of blockages when the overflow pipe located in the first cube is too low.
- simple and cheap design;
- effective work;
- self cleaning.
- high probability of occurrence of blockages;
- the need for concreting the walls of cubes and the floor of the structure in order to avoid the emergence of effluents.
Term of use
more than one year
Recommendation to others
Difficult to answer
  • Quality
  • Practicality
  • Price
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