The Topol-ECO group of companies has been manufacturing septic tanks for 13 years. Septic tanks “Tapas” are characterized by a high degree of water purification, they do not require the purchase of bacteria, and the lightweight housing reinforced with stiffeners will last at least 50 years. One of the distinguishing features is the possibility of installation and round-the-clock technical support from the manufacturer. Negative reviews about the Topop septic tanks and positive points are presented on this page.

Septic Tanks - reviews and recommendations for use


Positive review of Tokas
A comment
Purely my opinion. I will not hide, even many of my friends do not share it, but - I’m for danger. Checked, as they say on themselves. It was just a septic tank. I'm tired of constantly calling a govnovozka. three years ago put Topas. Satisfied. Nothing breaks, everything works. No need to pump out. Well, silt is sometimes pumped out - but silt is not shit, it does not smell, and in general - fertilizer. So I'm for a dash. But I do not impose my opinion on anyone. And a lot depends on the installers. I put in Do not consider it for advertising, but, in my opinion, a lot depends on the installers. I got lucky. I would be glad if my experience is useful to someone. The neighbor put in another office, after a year he got covered with a topas. Perhaps a coincidence, but in the second section, my mother-in-law also set eco-group members, and everything also works without problems. In short, decide for yourself.
no cesspool machine required
requires electrical connection
Term of use
more than five years
Recommendation to others
I recommend
  • Quality
  • Practicality
  • Price
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Septic TOPAS - an excellent solution for a summer residence
A comment
We installed and operate the TOPAS-3 system during the year, connecting the equipment to an independent circuit breaker. We live in the country only in the summer, installing the unit in 2 pits: the first is directly for the septic tank, the second is used to sediment excess fluid, subsequently used when watering the plants.

The formed sludge is discharged into a compost pit or used as fertilizer for plants. The final cleaning result is 80%. Water at the exit has no unpleasant smell.
Possibility of reuse of purified liquid and silt deposits;
unpretentiousness in service - cleaning is carried out once a year;
takes up little space on the site.
The installation process is associated with the organization of disorder on the site;
you have to call a special machine for cleaning.
Term of use
more than three years
Recommendation to others
I recommend
  • Quality
  • Practicality
  • Price
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Universal septic tank TOPAS
A comment
I installed TOPAS-5 on a site with sandy soil, and I am extremely pleased with the system. The main advantage compared to the home-made construction consisting of a pair of concrete rings that I used earlier is the lack of the effect of clogging the drain well with grease. The water obtained after purification is quite suitable for watering plants. I carry out total cleaning no more than once a year, but at the same time I always install a filter element at the exit of the washing machine, which prevents the penetration of filaments with a pile into the system. It is advisable to wash under high pressure.
- unpretentiousness in operation;
- ease of assembly and disassembly during cleaning;
- work without side effects;
- deep water treatment.
- it is necessary to visually control the operation of the septic tank every 3 to 4 days by lifting the lid.
Term of use
more than three years
Recommendation to others
I recommend
  • Quality
  • Practicality
  • Price
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Functional and functional septic tank TOPAS
A comment
I purchased and installed the TOPAS-5 septic tank, which worked perfectly for 3 years. Damage occurred after the next cleaning operation, when aerial lift dysfunction was detected.

After purging and cleaning, the functionality of the system was restored, but relapse soon arose. The master suggested that the receiving tank could be the cause of the breakdown, which was disassembled with a purge, available in the tubing system. The main reason was the accumulation at the bottom of the receiver of a large layer of viscous substance that clogged the airlift. We had to scoop up deposits with a homemade scraper, after which the system began to work with the same productivity.
- high efficiency;
- the ability to completely disassemble the structure during repair.
- when conducting partial cleaning recommended by the manufacturer and not affecting the receiver, deposits are formed at the bottom that can harm the structure.
Term of use
more than five years
Recommendation to others
Difficult to answer
  • Quality
  • Practicality
  • Price
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Reliable cleaning system TOPAS-5
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I installed the TOPAS-5 septic tank in the summer cottage and I operate the system around the clock for a year. Prevention was carried out by calling the service department, who explained how to subsequently carry out the procedure yourself. Subsequent use was associated with cleaning every 6 months, without opening the receiving chamber. However, at one point, the system slowed down, reducing the pressure when pumping wastewater into the aeration tank from the receiver, and then the septic tank completely stopped. After total cleaning of the receiving tank and the organization of flushing with a purge, it was possible to restore functionality.
self-cleaning option - saving money on maintenance; good maintainability; large receiver that processes large volumes of effluents.
the possibility of unexpected failure.
Term of use
more than one year
Recommendation to others
Difficult to answer
  • Quality
  • Practicality
  • Price
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Tapas helps create urban living conditions in a country house
A comment
We use the septic tank Topop only a few months. No problems have arisen so far. Tapas helps create urban living conditions in a country house, unless of course you take into account emissions a couple of times a year. But this procedure will not cause much difficulty. The declared power corresponds to reality.
The fact is that we really didn’t have a choice either, since the house was originally laid with the construction of a similar plan, which is indicated in the building permit. As for the smell, it is absolutely absent. Our bathrooms are located in the house and in the bathhouse, from where the waste pipes enter the Topas, installed a few meters from the house. In addition to Tapas, a drainage field was dug.
clean water, odorless;

high performance;

easy to operate.
A lot of digging during installation
Term of use
half a year
Recommendation to others
Difficult to answer
  • Quality
  • Practicality
  • Price
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