For almost 20 years, showers have been a healthy competitor to familiar bathtubs. Of course, in the shower there is no possibility to take water procedures while lying down. However, compactness, space saving, the ability to whip up a shower, and a number of additional functions - all these positive qualities speak in favor of shower cabins. How to choose a shower cabin, what basic elements in its design you should pay special attention to, how to determine the shape, size and manufacturer - we will try to give exhaustive answers to all these questions in this article.

How to choose a shower cabin correctly


Determine the type of shower

According to their design, shower cabins are divided into three types:

  • Open;
  • Closed;
  • Combined.

Open showers

Open models are a shower cabin that is integrated into the layout of the bathroom. First of all, these models are prefabricated, that is, a floor tray connected to a sewer riser is installed at the base of one of the walls or in the area of ​​the corner of the bathroom, and shower walls made of glass or plexiglass are mounted on the perimeter of the tray on one or two sides. The remaining one or two walls in the shower structure are faced with ceramic tiles.

Another characteristic feature of open models is the lack of a top base, roof. Therefore, in open-type models, the installation of a cascade or rain shower is simply not possible. During bathing, you have to be content with a shower head connected to the mixer with a flexible hose in a metal braid. That is, open-type models are intended only so that a person can quickly wash his body.

Open shower
Open shower with low tray.

I must say that during the installation of open showers, they often even refuse the lower tray. Instead of a purchased tray, the lower base of the shower cabin can be monolithic, filled with high-grade concrete and lined with ceramic tiles with a non-slip surface. The walls themselves made of glass or plexiglass are mounted on metal profiles of aluminum, brass or steel with a corrosion-resistant coating.

Shower without a tray
Open shower without a tray.

+ Benefits of Open Models

  • Very low cost, about 8-20 thousand rubles;
  • An opportunity to make a shower cabin with any necessary area;
  • Simple and unpretentious overall design.

Disadvantages of Open Models

  • Overhaul of structural elements;
  • Difficult repair of plumbing and sewer units;
  • There is no way to integrate ozonation or a steam generator;
  • The absence of an upper common shower, for example, tropical or cascading;
  • Increasing the total humidity in the room during operation.

Enclosed showers

Closed models have a completely autonomous design, consisting of a pallet, walls and ceiling base of the cabin. That is, this is a portable box in which a huge number of various additional functions are built in and which, if necessary, is easy to dismantle in case of moving or repair. Most often in closed models, pallets made of acrylic or steel are used, less often - pallets made of cast iron and sanitary ware.The load-bearing structural elements and the ceiling of the cabin are made of metal with an anti-corrosion coating or durable polymer compounds, and the side walls of closed models, as well as in open models, are made of transparent or translucent glass or plexiglass. On average, a closed shower stall costs 30-40 thousand rubles or more.

Enclosed shower
Closed shower with a low tray.

 + Closed Benefits

  • Quick installation and connection of necessary communications;
  • A wide variety of additional features;
  • A wide range of different models;
  • Good soundproofing;
  • Isolation from the general microclimate in the room.

  Disadvantages of enclosed showers

  • In general, enclosed cabins do not have pronounced common flaws, with the exception of a higher cost. If we consider specific models from specific manufacturers, then somewhere you can find some flaws, again, peculiar to a particular model.

Combined shower stalls

Combined shower stalls are a box that uses a very deep tray or, more often, a bathtub made of acrylic, cast iron or steel. Shower walls are located around the perimeter of the bathtub, and the upper part can be open or closed depending on the model. Such a combined design allows you to combine all the advantages of modern bathtubs, for example, a jacuzzi or a hydromassage and all the advantages of shower cabins, such as a Charcot shower, a cascade or a rain shower.

Combined showers differ significantly in their large dimensions from conventional showers. For this reason, plumbing models of this type can only be recommended in the case of a bathroom with a large area. That is, more than 7 square meters. m. On average, for combined showers, the price varies from 70,000 rubles.

Combined cab
Shower box.

+ Combined Type Advantages 

  • Combining all the advantages of a bathtub and shower in one design;
  • A wide variety of models;
  • Ability to choose open or closed type.

  The disadvantages of the combined type

  • High price.

How to choose a shower cabin for a bathroom based on its size, shape of the tray and material of manufacture

Depending on the type of design and the specific model, showers can have a variety of dimensions - sizes. Choosing the optimal shower model for yourself, in addition to its functionality, it is necessary to take into account the area of ​​the bathroom and some features of the location of communications in the bathroom.

If we consider models with a classic square pallet, then the statistics are as follows:

  • Open and closed models are most often made with dimensions of 80x80 cm, 90x90 cm, 100x 100 cm.
  • Combined models - shower boxes, with the correct rectangular geometry of the bath pan, most often have dimensions of 80x120 cm, 90x120 cm, 90x160 cm, 125x125 cm and 150x150 cm.

The most common forms of wall pallets:




pristennaya-polukruglayaHalf circle


Common forms of corner pallets:

Angular squareSquare



uglovaya-elipsQuarter ellipse

The above dimensions apply to plumbing models with pallets with the correct geometry. If the bathroom area is small, then you can get out of the situation by buying a shower cubicle with the wrong geometry of the tray — in the form of a semicircle, or even an angular model in which the tray has the shape of one quarter of a circle.

As for the depth of the pallet, depending on the model, the walls of the pallet can be either flush with the floor level or rising to a height of 40 cm. When choosing a pallet in depth, it is necessary to take into account the location of the sewer pipe. If you need to buy plumbing with a low pallet, then sometimes you can solve the problem of connecting the sewer by making a low pedestal for installing the pallet, or by completely raising the floor level in the bathroom.

Another way is to connect a sololift, a compact pump designed to pump dirty water.In turn, pallets with a depth of 30-40 cm do not have similar installation difficulties, however, when visiting a shower cabin with high sides, you will constantly have to overcome these same sides. The solution to this problem can be the manufacture of one or two steps at the base of the high side.

What material is better to choose a shower tray

According to the material of manufacture, pallets are:

  • Cast iron;
  • Steel;
  • Acrylic
  • Faience;
  • Made of artificial marble;
  • From a natural stone.

Cast iron pallets - differ in high strength and durability. Even after 10 years, enamel from a cast-iron base practically does not wear out. Of the shortcomings, it should be noted that they are unnecessarily heavy.

Steel pallets - by weight is much lighter than cast iron, with due high strength. However, the steel tray is not able to retain heat for a long time and cools quickly. Another drawback is the strong rumble that the falling water creates.

Acrylic Pallets - are considered the most popular, since they have a low price and the largest variety of shapes and sizes. Pure acrylic shower trays are rare, mainly two-composite trays predominate. An exception is made from pallets made of qvar. they heat up quickly

Sanitary Ware Pallets - They are distinguished by their massiveness, overall structural stability and long service life. The disadvantage of earthenware pallets is fragility, that is, they must be used carefully.

Artificial marble or natural stone pallets - quickly warm up and keep the temperature for a long time, have high strength, can be easily repaired by grinding and do not lose their appearance over time. The disadvantage of molded marble or natural stone pallets is their high cost.

The choice of door opening system and material for their manufacture

Door opening systems

Swing doors

Swing doors

Swing doors for the shower allow the widest possible opening of the opening, which provides unhindered access to the shower. Each such door is equipped with several hinges fixed from the side of the door panel, thanks to which the door opens outwards.


Hinged doors

Another option for shower doors - a hinged door that opens outwards - is also ideal for maximum access to the cabin. Two swivel hinges are located on the upper and lower ends of the door. This type of door fastening is more reliable and secure than the one discussed above.

Sliding doors

Sliding doors

If you plan to install a sufficiently large shower, then in order to save space, you should give preference to sliding doors. Such doors consist of two or more mutually overlapping panels, which smoothly “run over” one upon another and, when the door is fully open, “shrink” to the size of one panel.

Swing doors

Pivoting (swinging) doors

When the bathroom space is limited, a pivoting (swinging) door may be a practical choice for your shower. It opens smoothly thanks to a hinge moving along a hidden track, and you can get into the shower cubicle with a minimum of effort.

Folding doors

Folding doors

A folding door (“book” door) is ideal if you do not want the door to open outward or if the free space of the bathroom does not allow this. This door is perfect for elongated or rectangular showers. The door opens inward, while its halves fold compactly. Folding doors can be used both separately and in combination with sliding panels (for large showers).

Door Material

Each type of door design has its advantages and disadvantages, but with the material used to make the walls and doors of the shower, not everything is so simple.

Doors and walls of showers are made of the following materials:

  • Polystyrene;
  • Glass;
  • Plexiglass
  • Triplex.

Polystyrene - transparent or opaque plastic, resistant to damp environment and having low weight.The disadvantage of plastic doors is the short life. So, showers, in the design of which polystyrene is used, are more suitable for installation in a country house or guest houses. Another problem with plastic doors is the difficulty in maintenance. On their surface there are often noticeable streaks of soapy or dirty water, and it’s rather difficult to choose a detergent for plastic.

Glass - the shower door used in the construction of doors is not simple, but directly hardened with a thickness of at least 4 mm. Glass doors are considered the most hygienic in the sense that they require minimal care and the surface itself is not susceptible to mold or fungal formations.

Plexiglass - This material is often, many mistakenly confused with polystyrene. However, real plexiglass is polymethylmethacrylate, but not polystyrene. Plexiglass in transparency is the same as ordinary glass, while it has less weight and more strength than polystyrene. The disadvantage of plexiglass is that it is easy to scratch it, and polishing a transparent plexiglass is impossible. The surface of frosted plexiglas can be sanded.

Triplex - This is a type of tempered glass, which in its structure is very similar to glass used in the manufacture of automobiles. As a rule, the structure of a triplex consists of two tempered glasses with a transparent reinforcing film located between them. The main advantages of the material are high strength and safety. The disadvantage is the very high price.

Shower controls and additional features

The simplest open-type models, as a rule, do not have any complex control functionality. For example, everything may be limited by the presence in the booth of the mixer, backlight and primitive fm-receiver.

Most models of the closed or combined type are equipped with electronic control, which uses a console and a small digital display as an interface. By pressing the console buttons, almost all the functions provided in the design of the shower cabin are completely controlled.

Additional functions:

  • Cascading shower;
  • Rain shower;
  • Sharko shower;
  • Hydromassage;
  • Chromotherapy;
  • Ozone therapy;
  • Aromatherapy
  • Steam generator;
  • Built-in receiver;
  • Built-in DVD player
  • Radiotelephone.

Additional functions of shower cabins

Here, everyone decides for himself what additional functions of the shower he needs. But, in order to make it easier for you to determine the presence of a particular function, we will tell you what they are.

Cascading shower - This is the bathing mode when a person is in a reclining state, and a powerful stream of water with a temperature of 35-36 ° C flows from above 100 cm from it.

Rain shower - This is a mode when the human body is washed by a large number of very thin water streams, the direction of which is strictly vertical from top to bottom.

Charcot's shower - in this mode, the body is washed simultaneously by 6-10 moderate streams of water from different sides. The water temperature is individually regulated.

Chromotherapy - exposure to the surface of human skin with ultraviolet rays, which have an additional antibacterial effect and stimulate blood circulation.

Ozone therapy - exposure to oxygen bubbles boiled over in the skin of water. In principle, this mode implies a whirlpool.

Aromatherapy - This is an opportunity to set the mode of pleasant aroma by pressing a few buttons. When you take a warm shower, the skin evaporates a little and in this state it is able to absorb volatile ether compounds. That is, soak in a pleasant smell.

Steam generation - This is an opportunity to recreate the microclimate of the Finnish or Turkish baths in a closed shower stall.The effect of steam on human skin stimulates blood circulation and cleanses skin pores.

The largest manufacturers and importers of showers

Of the domestic manufacturers of showers, Russian production companies 1 Marka, Alavann, Aqualife, Bach, Bas, Eurolux and Finn stand out. The quality of Russian plumbing is slightly inferior to products from Europe, however, the price of our showers is usually lower. On average, you can buy a good shower for 30-40 thousand rubles.

Products from Germany on the Russian plumbing market are represented by Edelform, Stiebel Eltron, Sturm, Wasserfalle, Westerhof. The quality of the plumbing is very high. Clear business, Germans who are famous for their meticulousness to any trifle do. However, the minimum prices for the products of these companies start at 70-80 thousand rubles. You have to pay for quality.

In the middle price segment and good quality, plumbing from Italy is represented: Primo, Valencia, Sturm, Axa; Finland: Master Finn, Novitek, Oras, Timo; Czech Republic: Riho, Vagnerplast, Luxus. The cost of products of these manufacturers can start from 40,000 rubles and reach up to 120,000 rubles. It all depends on the functionality of the model.

Separately, it must be said about products from China. The situation here is such that if you buy a shower cabin from a generally unknown Chinese manufacturer, then with a very high probability you can buy frank hack or serial plumbing of poor quality. If you buy plumbing from well-known manufacturers, then you can save some money and at the same time get a very high-quality shower stall for 10-30 thousand rubles. The most famous Chinese manufacturers: Avanta, Ammari, Baraka, Goldman, Fresh, HX, Ika, Optima, Eago, Gllon.

How to choose a shower cabin - professional advice

Tip 1.


If the goal is to take a normal shower, and bask under the jets of a tropical shower or in the oxygen bubbles of a jacuzzi, then the best choice for you would be a simple inexpensive classic model of a shower cabin. It makes no sense to buy expensive plumbing with a large set of functions if you are not going to use these functions.

Tip 2.


If you are a supporter of a healthy lifestyle and a lover of various recreational water treatments, then the best choice for you will be the combined type, combining all the functions of both a bathtub and a shower.

Tip 3.


If your bathroom is not impressive in size, then the best option would be to buy a corner shower cubicle with a quarter circle shape, and side sizes from 80x80 to 100x100 cm. It is best to have sliding doors in the model.

Tip 4.


If your bathroom is larger than 8 square meters. m, it can be said that you have practically unlimited possibilities in choosing a non-standard shower cabin. In such a room, you can install almost any shower combination or closed type.

Tip 5.


If the family has children of preschool age, then when choosing a shower cubicle, it will be optimal to purchase a model with a deep tray. In this case, you will save yourself from buying a baby bath, and its function can be replaced by a deep pallet.

Tip 6.


If your apartment is located on the 8th-9th floor or even higher, or if you have very weak pressure in the water pipes, then when buying a shower room, it is imperative to pay attention to the minimum water pressure requirements specified in the technical documentation. The minimum pressure at which the full functioning of the plumbing is possible is 1.5 bar.

Video: How to choose a shower

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